We're Crazy About Organic Baby Food

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Founder: Zak Normandin is a very lucky guy. He is the founder of Little Duck Organics, husband to an amazing woman, dad to two beautiful girls, and best friends with the worlds greatest dog. He lives in Jaffrey, NH and loves surfing, mountain sports, traveling, and cooking good food (mostly pasta). His goal is to one day live on a farm with plenty of room for dogs, chickens, and a gigantic garden.

Contact Zak: Zak@littleduckorganics.com

Marketing Director: Michael Dias tries to share Little Duck Organics with his daughter but often ends up eating them himself. He is the founder of Art Bellies, a company devoted to bringing creativity to pregnancy, and is also a freelance music writer. He lives in Hancock, NH. with his wife and daughter and tries to garden a bit in his non-existent free time. Before moving to New Hampshire, he was the Marketing Director for Ultimate Ears/ Logitech.

Contact Michael: Michael@littleduckorganics.com

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