Tim Cheadle is the dad to 1 kiddo - Henry (almost 2) and founder of Rational Means. The 3 things he can’t live without as a Dad? His iPhone to take the ever elusive in-focus picture of Henry, a good mattress, and groggy morning hugs.
Tell us about your company in 2 sentences or less: Rational Means is a web development company that builds beautiful products for clients and customers. I also founded Charlotte Hackers & Founders, a grassroots community for local tech startup entrepreneurs.
What is your family’s biggest guilty food pleasure? Chocolate croissants from Sunflour Baking Company, almost every weekend. They’re made from scratch and totally irresistible.
If you could launch back in time to the days of feety pajamas and robot night lights, which vintage flick would you pop in to your VCR for the ultimate 80’s experience? Big Trouble in Little China. Any time a trucker gets stuck in SF and winds up saving a girl from evil Chinese sorcerers, I’m grabbing the popcorn. Unless it’s Christmas, then we’re watching A Christmas Story.
What is the best piece of Daddy Advice you’ve dished to your kiddo? The best thing I could ever teach my son is that his life is important and that he can and should pursue his own values, regardless of what others might think.
Finish this sentence: “In case I’m senile, please remind me…” …that the San Francisco Giants won the World Series in my lifetime.
Last but not least… we have to ask: Sci-Fi Kevin Costner in Waterworld, or Home-town Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams? I’m a huge baseball fan, so I’d have to go with Field of Dreams. Also, I tend to avoid movies that involve drinking your own urine after the apocalypse.
Learn more about Tim here: Twitter / Blog / Company
Some helpful links to gear up for back to school…
Start thinking about your shopping list, early: Protractor? Check. 96 Crayola Crayons? Check. Trapper Keeper? Double check. {BuzzFeed}
Make sure you spell better than these “Back to School Fails” {Huffington Post}
Bulk up your recess shopping list with POGS and nothing else. {BuzzFeed}
Beware of angry bus drivers…
And if all else fails… color until you can’t color no mo’
We’re gearing up for another really awesome, summer time, lemonade infused photo shoot this weekend, and it’s definitely (maybe) going to be an awesome time. Partly because we’ll have extra cute kids (always), bandanas (for noggin protection), lemonade (for sipping), razor scooters + tricycles + Radio Flyer wagons (for ridin’ dirty) and an open street to play on - and partly because the kiddos, themselves, will be taking some of the shots, themselves with Lomography’s killer cams.
So, because of this, we’re coaching the kiddos beforehand in ”The Ten Golden Rules of Lomography”
1. Take your LOMO everywhere you go & whenever you go.
2. Use it anytime — day or night.
3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but a part of it.
4. Shoot from the hip.
5. Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possible.
6. Don’t think.
7. Be fast.
8. You don’t have to know beforehand what you’ve captured on film.
9. You don’t have to know afterwards, either.
10. Don’t worry about the rules.
Street cred: Activated. More on Lomography here.
Christopher Gavigan is the dad to Luke (4.5), Evie (20 months) & Poppy (3 weeks) and Founder of The Honest Company. The four things he can’t live without as a dad? His front-yard wooden tree swing, yoga, my cast-iron skillet, and Honest’s Healing Balm.
Tell us a little about your company in 2 sentences or less… The Honest Company has created some of the best, eco-healthy, non-toxic essentials for today’s baby and family - well-designed, affordably priced, convenient shipped to your door - at last!
What is your biggest guilty food pleasure? Dark chocolate… every single night. And tons of raw honey on my oatmeal.
If you could launch back in time to the days of feety pajamas and robot night lights, which vintage flick would you pop in to your VCR for the ultimate 80’s experience? Say Anything - of course!
What is the best piece of Daddy Advice you’ve dished to your kiddo? Sometimes, “life happens”, and you have to roll with it. Flexibility is valuable, but when you really are passionate about something, never give in. Take your hands out of your pockets & get dirty….and finally, enjoy it all - have some FUN.
Finish this sentence: “In case I’m senile, please remind me…” …to get out of the garden!
Last but not least… we have to ask: Arnold in Last Action Hero or Arnold in Kindergarten Cop? Last Action Hero… maybe.