You’re Invited to Abe’s Live!

You’re invited to attend Abe’s Live! online sponsored by AbesMarket.com. At this fun and informative event…

  • Receive 15% off all Little Duck Organics products purchased through AbesMarket.com anytime tomorrow (October 19, 2010).
  • Learn about Little Duck Organics products in a live discussion with Little Duck’s founder, Zak Normandin, who will respond to your questions and feedback!
  • Discover, learn about, and receive discounts on other organic products for your whole family.

Mark Your Calendar

Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 (Tomorrow!)

Time: 2:00p - 4:00p EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Joining the Fun Is Easy

To join Zak, simply visit AbesMarket.com tomorrow afternoon at the time above. Instructions on how to join the discussion will be given, so be sure to arrive a few minutes early.

P.S. Don’t Forget You’ll Receive 15% Off

Remember to receive your 15% discount, just purchase any Little Duck Organics product anytime tomorrow (October 19, 2010) at AbesMarket.com. Simple for you. Yummy for your little ducks!

Enjoy Abe’s Live! and thank you for supporting Little Duck Organics :)