“Listen Up, Kids” - The Tyler Merrick Edition

Married to his high school sweetheart, Tyler Merrick is the father to 3 daughters and the founder of Project7. The three things he can’t live without as a dad? His iPhone because “it’s sad but it really is like the modern swiss army knife. Camera, phone, email, video player and games for kids at a restaurant or road trip, calendar, to do lists, calculator, dictionary, Yelp, the list goes on…” The ocean & the beach, which he says grounds him and keeps him in perspective. “No matter how many times I see it, when the waves come in I’m just in awe.” Lastly, his backpack, filled with snacks, headphones, books, you name it.

Tell us about your company in 2 sentences or less: Project7 is a brand of everyday items that give back to 7 areas of need. Things like chewing gum, mints, coffee, bottled water… but when we as shoppers buy products that give back that we were going to buy anyway, we start to see real impacts being made in areas like hunger, environment and clean water.

What is your family’s biggest guilty food pleasure? Man, I think it would have to be dessert… My mom always had some kind of dessert for us that she’d make growing up for after dinner and we just kept that going on when it was just my wife and me. Now with our kids, we do the same. It can be a couple of cookies, a popsicle or a pan of brownies… we just have a sweet tooth.

If you could launch back in time to the days of feety pajamas and robot night lights, which vintage flick would you pop in to your VCR for the ultimate 80’s experience? I think the Goonies or Star Wars… but then again I love all the Rocky movies.

What is the best piece of Daddy Advice you’ve dished to your kiddo(s)? With girls it’s so important to instill in them that their value and true beauty comes from within.

Finish this sentence: “In case I’m senile, please remind me…” That success and money came and went but in the end it didn’t fulfill you, it was the love of your family and the simple things that meant the most. Money is insatiable, we get some and we want more. We get more and then we say ‘if we could just get a little more I’d be good, I’d be set’ but it’s a mirage… Learn contentment where you are.

Last but not least… we have to ask: Who would you rather DJ your birthday party… the Fresh Prince or DJ Jazzy Jeff?Man oh man… DJ Jazzy Jeff doesn’t get enough love… he was like Batman to Robin. Lets face it though, he was a DJ and Fresh Prince was an MC. I’d have to go with Jazzy Jeff… but if he wasn’t available I’d take Rev Run.

Learn more about Tyler here: Tyler Twitter / Project7 / Project7 Twitter / 29Agency

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“Listen Up, Kids” - The Scott Maize Edition

Scott Maize is the dad to Oliver (10 months) and hustles hard as an Account Manager for Amazon.com. The 3 things he can’t live without as a dad? Oliver’s O-Ball which, he says, “Oliver is always so proud to throw to me and catch between his legs when I roll it back,” his death/black metal record collection for father/son mantime which “Oliver dances to. He is also known to crawl to the cover art when I’m not home”, and his fiance Kaity - because without her, “there is no way I could do this alone.”

Tell us about your company in 2 sentences or less: I work for Amazon.com doing Advertising/Marketing. The company is great for convenience and cheap prices but please be sure to support your local and small businesses!

What is your family’s biggest guilty food pleasure? Donuts/Pizza/Burgers for the adults. Oliver’s guilty pleasure is anything that he can hold that is not “baby-fied” and he can eat while shirtless.

If you could launch back in time to the days of feety pajamas and robot night lights, which vintage flick would you pop in to your VCR for the ultimate 80’s experience? Little Monsters. This was Fred Savage’s Oscar moment. Who doesn’t dream about another world underneath your own bed?

What is the best piece of Daddy Advice you’ve dished to your kiddo? Join or start a band when you’re older. It will always be cool. I’m not sure if he’s fully understanding me at 10 months, however.

Finish this sentence: “In case I’m senile, please remind me…” ….that I created and helped raise a kid that was tanner, handsomer and had better hair than I do.

Last but not least… we have to ask: If you had to spend 40 days in a space ship with Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader… who would you choose to explore the galaxy with, and why?Darth Vader. The Death Star was the Hotel de Crillon of space travel. Also, what is that famous phrase? Bad guys have all the fun…or was that blonde girls?

Learn more about Scott here: Facebook

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Rad Things: Tattly Tattoos

Our friends over at Tattly keep us supplied in tattoos like it’s their job… probably because it IS their job, but mostly because they’re rad.

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“Listen Up, Kids” - The Dustin Bryson Edition

Dustin Bryson is the dad to Micah (4) & Eliana (1) and the Marketing Director of Solsun. The three things he can’t live without as a dad? His Honda Odyssey {it’s not the swagger wagon, it’s the even swaggier wagon}, Bikes {he has some of his best times racing his kids and his Wii - {specifically Wipeout. He says,”there is just something about that game”}.

Tell us about your company in 2 sentences or less: Soulsun is a cause driven optics company. We are in the business of helping people look good while doing good.

What is your family’s biggest guilty food pleasure? Pizza - its just soooo gooooood.

If you could launch back in time to the days of feety pajamas and robot night lights, which vintage flick would you pop in to your VCR for the ultimate 80’s experience? Karate Kid for sure. Movie night HERE WE COME!

What is the best piece of Daddy Advice you’ve dished to your kiddo(s)? Love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

Finish this sentence: “In case I’m senile, please remind me…” to pull up my pants.

Last but not least… we have to ask: Between Michael Keaton {Batman} or Val Kilmer {Batman Forever}… which actor would you rather see in a comeback role as the Penguin? Well, Val is already shaped like the Penguin but I would rather see Keaton in the roll. My only requirement would be that he would have to rock the mullet.

Learn more about Dustin here: Facebook / Twitter / DustyShotMe / Soulsun / Soulsun Facebook / Soulsun Twitter / LemiShine

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