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{Pictured: Vince, Product Development Manager and owner of the coolest mittens in Brooklyn.}

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{ ldolove }

{COOL MOM ALERT} Meet Kate Earl: Singer, Songwriter, Cooker of Mac ‘n Cheese

We <3 cool moms. Check out our chat with our awesome momma of the month, Singer/Songwriter Kate Earl from Los Feliz, L.A.

So, first and foremost, who is your little kiddo and how old? Henry Wonder A.K.A Hank 2 and 1/2

What’s your favorite I-feel-like-a-kid-again-when-I-do-this-with-my-kid activity? Build forts and play pretend

Favorite snacks to eat with your little one? Little Duck Organics Strawberry and Mango Tiny Fruits… Tahini, Lemon and Honey Rubbed Kale Salad and Baby Carrots and Goat cheese

What has given you the biggest smile lately? When it was bed time and he yawned and snuggled me and said “I love you mama, you’re nice.”

What is the best piece of Momma Advice you’ve dished to your kiddo(s)? He’s been afraid of the dark for the longest time, so what finally helped was to tell the monsters ” you watch out monsters, or I’m gonna get you.”

Are there words of wisdom you find yourself coming back to when your day feels mighty long? I’m just grateful for my happy, healthy, vibrant kid and his curiosity for the world. Nearly all tantrums, messes and challenges are things you can laugh off.

Tell us a bit more about your day to day life. We wake up and have smoothies and do yoga, sometimes it’s quiet with candles, sometimes it’s to Stevie Wonder on vinyl. Then I make him a more proper breakfast and he gets to watch a show while I shower and make up and dress, then he dresses himself while I clean up breakfast. We go for errands and do our best to make it outdoors, somewhere with proper trees and grass and dirt to explore in or a playdate. Then it’s arts and crafts in the afternoon. he’s been interested in helping me with dinner. So its all a lesson. He plays while I clean up dinner and then its bath time and pjs and books. That’s an average day for us. it’s a while different story on the road together. He has his own itinerary. Gets a ton of culture while I’m working.

What’s on your iPod right now? Delta Rae

Give your ears some love with Kate’s new single, “One Woman Army” - an ode to strong mommas everywhere. :)

Get the track here and check out the video! Tiny Human Hank makes an appearance at the end! Love.

Also…what do LDO and Kate have in common besides extreme awesome-ness? You can find BOTH of us at Whole Foods. That’s right. Track her down next time you stock up on groceries.

Kate on FB: http://www.facebook.com/thelifeofkate

Kate’s site: http://thekateearl.com/

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