Family Friday 7/31
Multi-Pack Reveal!
Hey everyone! We're starting off this Friday’s post with some exciting news. Multi-packs are now available on our website! Now you can try multiple flavors of your favorite LDO products in multi-packs like the "Fruit & Veg Fix," "Master Yogi" and "Mighty Oats? Totes!". Wait! It gets better! With every purchase you also get a free sample of our new Tiny Gummies. Check out our multi packs here:
GMO vs Non GMO debate
This summer has been a very active summer in regards to GMO food labeling. Make sure you're up to date on what's going on in Washington! Read 4th Congressional District representative John Moolenaar's stance on GMO food labeling and transparency.
Shout-outs for Family Friday!
We can’t tell you enough how much we love your feedback and your pictures of you and your little ducklings enjoying our snacks. Here are a couple more that we just couldn’t wait to share!
@gabbymesser, we're jealous of this lucky guy. Thats a lot of tasty snacks!
What an adorable smile, @claresmama! It looks like this little one really enjoyed her Tiny Fruits and Veggies!
There is nothing better than Tiny Fruits on the go. We are so happy your little duckling loved our "storebearweeze and mangoes" @lifeaccordingtobaby.